
We'll let you know what's happening!

Just announced!

Springfield's The Block Party 2023 event was a wild success. With more citizens, more businesses, more bounce houses & more beverages sold than ever, Sept 8th was a magical night on Main Street in coordination with Herencia Hispania's Noche Cultural, 2nd Friday ArtWalk & A3's mural unveiling.  We estimate 8-10K citizens were in attendance, exceeding our expectations by nearly double.

This year we're seeking a Co-Title Sponsor together with the City of Springfield to help finance the party. In it's 5th year, the party remains FREE for Citizens and does not take a percentage of sales or revenue from vendors.  We ask each organization that wants to be there to pay a small sponsorship fee to help cover the costs of the party.

We're looking for a Title Sponsor!

You might wonder how the Block Party covers the cost of bounce castles, bands, jugglers and bands, not to mention permits, insurance, fencing and of course, port-a-potties. Small organizations of all kind make up the majority of our operating revenue. Closing an ODOT highway isn't cheap, and, we each year the party grows, requiring more planning, preparation and safety. If you're one of the following, maybe you'd like to join us this year?

Here's the kind of people we're looking for!

What's next for Springfield's The Block Party? The answer is yes. Whatever organizations, businesses, civic partners, art & culture would like to join the party are welcome. The demand is apparent, the benefit both economically astounding and invaluable to the community. We're one of many events bringing Springfield back together as residents of Lane County increasingly choose it as their home, workplace and preferred Downtown in which to celebrate.

If you're interested in supporting the 2024 Springfield's the Block Party! Email or apply now!